Kudelić, A., Miloglav, I., Neral, N. 2025. Unpuzzling the incrustation: Reconstruction of the technique of decorating Copper and Bronze Age pottery in Croatia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 62, 105002. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2025.105002.
Kudelić, A., Kliškić, D., Neral, N., Marijan, M. 2024. Sirovina, tehnike i upotreba brončanodobne lončarije s nalazišta Dugiš u Otoku kod Sinja / Raw materials, techniques, and use of Bronze Age pottery from Dugiš site in Otok near Sinj. Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XX, 9–24. doi.org/10.33254/aia.20.1.1
Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Maričić, A., Mileusnić, M. 2024, Tracing the origin of raw materials used for the production of ancient ceramics: Case study of a multi-period archaeological sites in the Turopolje area (Continental Croatia), Geologica Croatica 77/3, 269-289. doi:10.4154/gc.2024.18
03. – 05. 10. 2024. Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Quinn, P. Investigating raw materials and clay recipes for Bronze Age ceramic production on the Eastern Adriatic coast: multi-analytical approach, 8th ARCH_RNT In Memoriam Nikolaos Zacharias , 03 - 05 October 2024, Kalamata, Greece.
28. – 31. 08. 2024. Kudelić, A., Neral, N. Persisting in the face of challenge: the choice of raw materials in prehistoric ceramic production along the Eastern Adriatic coast, 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome, 28 - 31 August 2024, Rome, Italy.
28. – 31. 08. 2024. Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Quinn, P. Exploring the origins of grog with SEM-EDS: the Bronze age ceramics from Croatia, 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome, 28 - 31 August 2024, Rome, Italy.
06. – 07. 06. 2024. Kudelić, A., Tkalčec, T. Technological and functional features of late medieval ceramic vessels from the Vrbovec castle in Klenovec Humski (NW Croatia), Ceramics, People and Places - The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages, 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
06. – 07. 06. 2024. Sekelj Ivančan, T., Kudelić, A., Neral, N., Valent, I. Archaeometry of ceramics from the second half of the 6th and the first half of the 7th century in Podravina – case study Torčec and Hlebine, Ceramics, People and Places - The Significance of Ceramics for the Study of Social Relations in the Middle Ages, 9th International Scientific Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
4. – 6. listopada 2023. Neral, N., Kudelić, A. Pottery traditions and raw materials used for the ancient production of ceramics in Istria, Croatia. Young Researches in Archaeometry (YRA2023), Book of Abstracts, Hacıosmanoğlu, S., Solard, B., Rose, T. (Eds.), Tübingen, 48–48. (predavanje)
2. – 4. listopada 2023. Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Maričić, A. Karakteristike sirovina korištenih u lončarskoj proizvodnji arheološke keramike: primjena analitičkih metoda (OM, XRPD, ICP-ES, ICP-MS). 7. Hrvatski geološki kongres (7HGK), Knjiga sažetaka, Fio Firi, K. (ur.), Poreč, 125–125. (poster)
30.08. – 2.09. 2023. Kudelić, A., Tresić Pavičić, D., Marijan, M. Challenges and methods of rescue excavation at Lower Cerovačka cave: Case study of the Bronze Age storage of valuable goods. 29th EAA Annual Meeting, Weaving Narratives, Abstract book, M. Karabáš, K. Kleinová (eds.), Belfast, 662–663.
30.08. – 2.09. 2023. Miloglav, I., Kudelić, A., Neral, N. The Manufacturing Process and Social Practice: The Story of White Paste Inlay. 29th EAA Annual Meeting, Weaving Narratives, Abstract book, M. Karabáš, K. Kleinová (eds.), Belfast, 912–913.
Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Maričić, Ana; Mileusnić, M. 2023. Pottery technology through time: Archaeometry of pottery and clayey raw material from the multi- period site in eastern Croatia, Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik, 38 (2023), 63; 1-21 doi:10.17794/rgn.2023.2.1
9. svibnja 2023. Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Maričić, A. Karakteristike sirovina korištenih u lončarskoj proizvodnji arheološke keramike: primjena analitičkih metoda (OM, XRPD, ICP-MS), Dan doktoranada Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb (poster).
20. – 22. travnja 2023. Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Maričić, A. The characterization of raw materials used for pottery production in ancient societies: application of analytical methods (OM, XRD, FT-IR, ICP-MS), International Conference of Young Geologists, Smolenice, Slovačka (predavanje).
Marijan, M., Kudelić, A. 2022, Upotreba ognjišnih keramičkih predmeta u domaćinstvima kasnog brončanog doba, Annales Instituti Archaeologici, XVIII, 22–32.
Kudelić, A., Maričić, A., Neral, N. 2021, Uspostavni istraživački projekt HRZZ-a (UIP-2020- 02-3637): Tehnološke značajke i kulturne prakse u prapovijesnim lončarskim tradicijama na području Hrvatske (prePOT), Vijesti Hrvatskoj geološkog društva 58/2 , XLVIII, Zagreb, 49–51.
01. – 02. prosinca 2022. Kudelić, A., Neral, N., Paraman, L. Bronze Age Pottery from central Dalmatia – archaeometric approach, 10th international scientific conference Methodology & Archaeometry, Book of Abstracts, Miloglav, Ina (ed.), Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, 34 (predavanje)
16. – 20. svibnja 2022. Neral, N., Kudelić, A., Maričić, A., Mileusnić, M. Pottery raw material sources at the multi-period archaeological site of Jagodnjak – Krčevine, Croatia. 43rd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Lisabon.
12. – 13. svibnja 2022. Kudelić, A., Miloglav, I., Branković, D. White paste inlay – on the trail of the manufacturing sequence, Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery, Pots as media: Decoration, technology, and message transmission, Vuković, J., Bikić, V. (ur.), Beograd, 2022., 31–32 (predavanje)(Knjiga sažetaka).
2. – 3. prosinca 2021. Kudelić, A., Neral, N., Marijan, M., Tresić Pavičić, D., Maričić, A. Research on Bronze Age pottery traditions – Conceptual approach, 9th International Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Book of Abstracts, Miloglav, Ina (ur.), Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, 2021., 41-41 (predavanje)
16. – 17. rujna 2021. Kudelić, A., Tresić, Pavičić, Brončanodobni lončarski inventar iz Donje Cerovačke (turkaljeve) špilje, Znanstveni kolokvij Arheologija pećina na zadarskom području – recentna istraživanja, Knjiga sažetaka, Dubolnić Glavan, M. (ur.), Zadar 2021, 12 (predavanje).
6. – 11. rujna 2021. Kudelić, A. Research of prehistoric pottery traditions - the potential and problems of a holistic approach, 27 th EAA Annual Meeting 2021, Kiel, Widening Horizons, Abstract book, Kleinová, K. (ed.), Prag, 2021., 949 (poster).
20. – 21. svibnja 2021. Kudelić, A., Tresić Pavičić, D. Ljudi iza fragmenata: Uporabne značajke lončarije iz Donje Cerovačke špilje, Od morja do morja – Življenje in smrt v pozni bronasti dobi med »Panonskim« in Jadranskim morjem, Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca v sklopu projekta Skupnosti mrtvih, družbe živih: Pozna bronasta doba vzhodne Slovenije, Koper – Ptuj (predavanje).
1. – 2. veljače 2021. Kudelić, A. People Behind the Fragments: Use-Related Properties of the Late Bronze Age Pottery, Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery, Pots in context: Vessels use, function and consumption research strategies and methodology, Vuković, J., Bikić, V. (ur.), Beograd, 2020. 36–36 (predavanje).