Assistant Natali Neral has been staying at the Institute of Archeology at the University College London since March 1st as part of the competition of the Croatian Science Foundation "Mobility Program - outgoing mobility of assistants (MOBDOK-2023)". During the research stay, the assistant conducts the analysis of prehistoric ceramics using the SEM-EDS and pXRF methods in one of the best equipped laboratories in Europe. These methods enable precise determination of geochemical compositions of individual pottery raw materials, and thus a more reliable determination of the provenience of raw materials. The first part of her research stay is related to the application of the pXRF method (portable X-ray fluorescence) on ceramics, while the second part is devoted to work on a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The research stay is carried out under the mentorship of the head of the project, Dr Andreja Kudelić and the host mentor, leading expert in ceramic analysis, geologist Dr Patrick Quinn.
December 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 10 a.m. in the library of the Institute
of Archaeology
Jurjevska street 15, Zagreb
The Institute of Archaeology invites you to
Round table, thematic seminar and workshop
Archaeological laboratory - Analytical methods in archaeology
The round table, thematic seminar and workshop were organized as part of
the project Technological Features and Cultural Practices of Prehistoric
Pottery Traditions in Croatia, prePOT (HRZZ, UIP-02-2030-93637) and will
be held on Wednesday, December 14 from 10 a.m. in the library Institute of
Archaeology. Lectures will be given by: Andreja Kudelić, Natali Neral, Tea
Zubin Ferri, Tena Karavidović and Tomislav Brenko.
October 2022
During October 2022 the archaeological excavations of the Znojilo hilfort have been carried out in colaboration of the Institute of Archaeology (HRZZ prePOT project) and the Museum of the Town of Kaštela.
Research group participated in workhop of traditional pottery of Potravlje at Museum of Cetinska Krajina.